Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Two days with the White Rabbit!

Alice might be my new favorite Disney character. I had so much fun working with her the last two days. I was friends with the White Rabbit. He and Alice do meet and greets with guests over by the teacup ride!

When I got to Magic Kingdom yesterday morning, I had no idea what to do or where to go. Just one of the many challenges of working in Entertainment! Once I got all checked in, I found out I would be doing the Welcome Show at 9! For those of you who don't know (which included me until yesterday) the Welcome Show happens every morning. The characters ride the train from Fantasyland to the train station at the very front of the park! They wave at all the guests waiting to enter the park and then Mickey starts a countdown from 10 all the way to 0! When the countdown ends, confetti is launched and the gates are opened! It was so cool to be able to participate in this on my second day!

After the Welcome Show, some of the characters walk down Main Street, back to whichever land they will remain in for the day. Since I am a new kid, the Fairy Godmother walked with me back to my offset location. How many people can say that?! It was pretty exciting. This particular Fairy Godmother has been working for the company for over 30 years and played Snow White in Disney World's early years. While we were walking, we made small talk and then she asked me if I had been fitted for Alice yet. I told her no, and that I was not being considered for a face role. She was not happy about this. She went on and on about how angry it made her when Casting does not select people that would be perfect for certain roles and how I definitely should have been considered for Alice. Everything she said made me feel a lot better about this whole experience, even though now I will be slightly more envious of everyone who actually gets to live out the dreams I have had. She then told me to consider Disneyland Tokyo because there would be a lot more opportunity for me there with only a 6 month contract. So who knows, maybe that will be next year's adventure? ;)

I spent all day with Alice and the White Rabbit at the teacup ride. It was so much fun. I really enjoyed being able to see how the face characters interact with their guests. I also shared a break room with Merida, Pooh, and Tigger. We had about 20 people in a tiny little room. That sure was interesting. Merida is hilarious. I love her accent. All of her attendants also have accents which was very amusing.

I really like the White Rabbit costume. It has been a nice break for my body from the Pooh costume. The rabbit costume is not nearly as heavy, so I am very grateful for my resting time the passed two days. I am, however, very nervous about returning to my friend Pooh tomorrow for the same shift I had Monday. That was tough stuff. I can do it though! :) And hey, now I know my way around TWO parks! Yay!

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