Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Check in!

Yesterday is a huge blur. I'm pretty sure it was the longest day of my life, and as a result, I remember very little of it. We'll see how this goes.... My roommates and I (there are 6 of us total) got in line at 5 AM outside of Vista Way on Monday morning. Vista Way is one of the apartment complexes available to College Program participants and also one of the locations Disney uses for the check-in process. We sat in line, walked to the Walgreens across the street for snacks and bathroom breaks, and tried our best to stay awake. By a combination of poor planning and lots of excitement, most of us only had 3 or 4 hours of sleep under our belt, so we were exhausted. At 7:15, we were allowed inside the gate. At 7:40 we were moved to another line outside of a building and the check-in process began! Only one little hiccup occurred. As I stated earlier, we had a group of 6 hoping to live in one apartment. Due to a lot of rumors about its cleanliness and noise level, none of us wanted to live in Vista Way. I'm sure it's a lovely complex, but we wanted to make the safe call. So we said we would like Chatham Square or Patterson Court. Unfortunately, no 3 bedrooms were available. So we had two options. We could split up and live in Patterson, or live all together in Vista. We decided it would be best to split up. We ended up all being neighbors, in the same building, on the same floor! We are all in one bedroom apartments, sharing with one just person. So now, instead of sharing a fridge and pantry with 6 girls, we only have to split it between 2! And we all get our own closet which is nice! We also have a balcony which is apparently really cool if you are on the college program. I will definitely post pictures once I am all moved in! :)
After check-in, we got on a bus and headed over to the Casting Center. I can't give away too many details about Casting (gotta preserve the magic!), but I will say it was mostly just waiting in a series of lines for 2 hours. I think I may have signed my life over to Disney during that time. I'm not really sure.... Like I said before, the day is a blur. And I still haven't found out what my job is. Just a lot of, "Oh, make sure you stay hydrated!" and, "Good luck. You have a difficult job." and my favorite, "You're going to want to quit in the first week." Sounds promising, right? I'm just kidding. While I did hear all of those things several times, many other people told me how rare of an opportunity it is to work in entertainment with Disney and how lucky I was for being chosen. The excitement definitely built throughout this whole process!
The rest of the day was spent running errands. I also received my "Welcome to Florida" gift: A dent in my car and some lovely scratches. From what I have heard, getting rear-ended in Orlando is like seeing Mickey shirts at Disney. :/ Lots of tourists who don't know where they are going creates a lot of traffic problems. Yay!! Hopefully my car will get fixed and everything will be great! Regardless, I am so excited about my new apartment and all of the adventures that are coming my way!

1 comment:

  1. MY GOODNESS! That IS a busy day! I'm glad you got all checked in and I can't wait to see pics of your apartment. Bummer about the fender bender. I'm glad everyone was okay. LOVE AND MISS YOU!

