Thursday, August 23, 2012

First day out and about

Today was my first day working with Pooh outside, with a character attendant, and with guests. It was crazy for sure and not a day I will easily forget. My character attendant was awesome. He would make sure Pooh knew when small children were on his left or right. Bears can't always see things that are next to them! Especially Pooh bears that love honey so much!! He would also give Pooh a high five to let him know that he was going to go find Eeyore in five minutes. It was really cool working with an attendant. His job is SO MUCH harder than mine! He actually has to talk to people and know all the answers while managing the line, reminding guests to have pens, cameras, and autograph books ready, and keeping an eye on Pooh to make sure nothing bad happens!

Little fun fact for you: People LOVE Winnie the Pooh! I had know idea! I mean, I'm always excited to see Pooh, but that's because he is a cuddly bear, but no, people LOVE him. It's so fun when little kids come see Pooh and Pooh plays patty-cake with them. I wish people got excited when they saw me! Pooh hogs the spotlight! :) But I don't mind!

Also, I'm going to have great skin when I get back to Texas! For all the people that ask if "it's hot in there?" What do you think? First off, why are you asking? It's Florida. It's humid. And it's hot outside if you're wearing shorts and a t-shirt. So don't you think a bear with thick fur and a sweater would be hot? Yes, he's hot. But he doesn't let it bother him because he is a curious bear and is just excited to be there. I, on the other hand, am melting. Yes, it's hot. Yes, I feel gross from sweat. No, I'm not going to respond when you ask if it's hot "in there." Pooh is a bear, not a person in a costume. DUH.

Tomorrow is my last day of training. I hope it goes smoothly! All of the trainers keep saying how awesome my training group is doing. There are 10 of us total, all girls. We are having a lot of fun and making friends at the same time! It's so funny because whenever Pooh shows up, all of the trainees get so excited and just want to hug him! Even though they know some secrets behind the Disney magic. That always makes me smile. It's very reassuring too. These girls know what's going on, but they don't care! They see Pooh, a character they know and love from their childhood, and they are excited! That's what I try to focus on.

This is such a challenging job. The most challenging I've ever experienced, but I know that in the end I am going to learn so much from it! Right now though, I'm going to go eat some dinner and pass out! :)


  1. Sounds like an exciting day! Love you!

  2. I'M SO SO SO SO SO EXCITED FOR YOU AND TOTALLY JEALOUS! Sounds super fun! Oh, and you make me laugh!
