Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Getting Acclimated

It has been just over a month since Michael and I returned home. I wasn't sure I was going to keep writing when I returned home, but sitting here tonight, it feels like the right thing to do. While I do not have any fascinating Disney stories to tell, I do have stories from my life. It occurs to me that my last post was just about as short as I could make it, so let's start with the journey back to Texas.

Michael and I decided to make our departure on a Saturday. We had breakfast that morning with our favorite Australians, packed up my car, called the Programs office, and headed off. It was disturbingly easy to end our employment with Disney. All we had to do was call a number, tell them we were self-terming, give our ID number, and turn in our apartment key and housing ID. That was it. Quick, like ripping off a band-aid. Before leaving Orlando, we stopped to drop off my TV and DVD player with Lauren and Amy (the Australians). When we did that, they brought Michael and I each a little koala wearing a vest that says, "I <3 Australia" on the back. It was very sweet. I knew I would miss the two of them and I was definitely right. I have the koalas hanging from my mirror on some beads in my car. I am reminded of them every day. We stayed in Pensacola, Florida that night. The next morning, we got up and drove to New Orleans. My friend, Hayden, from the Fall semester lives there. He met up with Michael and I and gave us a very informative tour of the city, complete with both walking and driving portions. While in New Orleans, we visited the French Quarter, went into a vinyl shop, saw the Super Dome, and Michael had some authentic boiled craw-fish. (He was very excited about that last one.) It was really nice to see Hayden again. We were very lucky to have him as our guide. He not only knew where to go and what to show us, but also exactly what to say. Hayden is one of those people that learns so much about the things he is interested in (Disney, New Orleans, animation, music, etc.). It's one of his best qualities. He is a lot like my youngest brother, Alex, in this way. He is a lot like my brother, Andrew, in that once you get him talking, he doesn't stop. But that is what makes him so personable and makes him a perfect person to be friends with me, someone who tends to be a bit more quiet and reserved. It's also what makes him such a good tour guide. After spending a few hours with Hayden in New Orleans, we drove to Baton Rouge to settle in for the night. Monday, we drove home.

A couple days after being home, Michael and I had lunch at Razzoo's, the restaurant I worked at before moving to Orlando. I went there to eat because I had missed the food so much, mostly the fried pickles. While I was there, the manager asked me if I wanted my job back and when I would like to start. It was so nice to be able to come back and immediately have a job lined up, especially considering the great working environment Razzoo's had always provided to me. I have been working there for the last few weeks, both hosting and serving, and I am honestly so glad to be back. I love the people I work with and I love the people I meet there. Now that I've been away for so long (and doing such interesting things), it is very easy for me to speak to our guests. I am far more comfortable and confident as a server now and that is such a good feeling. I am very lucky that they were willing to bring me back immediately and that they are continuing to take such good care of me. It is so great to work some place where I have friends and people that are happy to see me on a daily basis.

In reflecting on my Disney experience and now being in an environment where I can speak to people whenever I want, I have learned that I love children. If a family comes in with any kids, I find myself speaking mostly to the children and making sure that they are happy, instead of focusing on the parents. Oddly enough, by not talking to kids for eight and a half months, I learned how to talk and interact with kids. I don't know how, but it happened and now anytime a kid comes into the restaurant, I immediately start speaking their language. I promise it isn't creepy. I just think kids are great. Kids and kittens.

Speaking of kittens.... I found one last week. This cute, little black kitten was hiding under my car last week when I got off of work. So naturally, I scooped him up and took him home with me. I don't know where he came from or how he ended up with me, but I am so happy he found me. When I first brought him home, my parents said he absolutely was not staying here with us. I was supposed to take him to a new home on Saturday, but that didn't work out. We are working on finding him a new home, sort of, but I am determined to take care of him forever. He is the sweetest little thing and he makes me so happy. After having him for a couple of days, I decided he should have a name besides, "the little kitty." So I started calling him Bagheera. If you don't recognize the name, it is the name of the black panther in The Jungle Book. I thought it was appropriate. I took Bagheera to the vet on Monday where I learned that he is about 8 or 9 weeks old. He got his first round of shots and was given a dewormer. He had roundworms, but that is going away. The vet said that he is a cute, sweet, and [mostly] healthy kitten. So far, he has been very well behaved, and hasn't antagonized our other cat, Sebastian, too much. He's my sweet little baby and I love him.

There are some days where I miss Disney, but I'm mostly just grateful for the time I had there. I would love to go back and visit soon and who knows, maybe I will work there again some day. I certainly don't know right now. The good news is, I only remember the happy things, which is exactly what I wanted.

I have decided to start dancing again. I am going to take a dance class or two this summer and then audition for the company I was on during the 2011-2012 school year, Collin Dance Ensemble in August. There is no telling if I will make the company or not, but I definitely won't make it if I don't try. I am just so excited to get moving again, even if I am not on CDE. I missed dance so much this last year and I can't wait to get started!