Saturday, September 8, 2012

Just another day in Paradise

I don't really have anything specific to report today, so I'm going to just say whatever comes to mind!

Today, a girl grabbed my hand and said, "Mom, I can feel his fingers!" Cool...

The other day, a little girl accidentally bumped my head with her hand. She looked up at me and said, "Oh my goodness! Are you okay, Pooh?" It made me laugh. Most people do it on purpose, or don't do it on purpose but either don't realize or don't care.

My bandaids have Disney Fairies on them.

Guys that work at Disney frequently have no interest in girls.

My family sent me a care package, which I received yesterday. I was so excited. It's nice to know people are thinking of me.

Pooh eats a lot of hunny throughout the day. Yes, hunny, not honey.

Yesterday, it started pouring right when my shift ended. I had to wear a trash bag as a poncho and make a run for it. It didn't work. My tennis shoes are still wet.

I watched The Lucky One the other day. It was really good. If anyone cares.

I sleep with my Duffy Bear.

I have three more fittings the week after next. Jake, from Jake and the Never Land Pirates, Mike Wazowski, from Monsters Inc., and Agent Oso, the scariest looking bear-thing I have ever seen. We will see how this goes! I'm excited to be reunited with the White Rabbit on Monday and meet Grumpy on Tuesday. Hopefully this week won't be as strenuous as this last one was!

I miss Taylor Swift's curly hair.

I want my family to send my dog, Dazey, to me next.

I am slowly teaching myself to cook.

Just kidding. I eat sandwiches and macaroni and cheese every day!

People that don't speak English just say "Winnie Pooh! Winnie Pooh!" when they see me. Never "Winnie." Never "Pooh." Always "Winnie Pooh!" People from England call me "Winnie." Never fails.

Merida is a really cool princess.

Pooh, Tigger, and Eeyore had a dance party today on the Boat Dock. Tigger is actually able to dance a little. Pooh is too fat. He can't reach his knees, if he even has any. Eeyore can tap dance apparently. Other than that, he is just there, looking sad.

26 days until Michael comes to visit!

Lastly, a girl that went to my high school needs prayers, thoughts, whatever it is you can do that will send positivity her way. It's not my business to say what is going on with her. All I want to say is she needs your prayers. 

That's all! And I hope everyone is having a magical weekend!


  1. I have a full size kitchen in my dorm, and have the Morris University Center close by and all I eat is mac & cheese!!
    Easy and I love it!

    1. I have a full kitchen too. The extent of my cooking is boiling water to make pasta.

  2. Glad you decided to share your thoughts! Love you and miss you lots!
