Thursday, February 28, 2013

71 days left.

71 more days. Can you believe that? 71 days left in this crazy adventure. I have a countdown on my phone. I'm hoping it will serve as a reminder that time is precious and should be appreciated and enjoyed. I have been here for 199 days and I have 71 to go. I'm finding this so hard to wrap my brain around. I can't believe my journey is ending in a little over two months. I remember when that was how long I had before I came here. I remember being excited to reach the "100 days left until Disney" mark. I am going to do everything I can to enjoy every moment I have left. No more spending time in my apartment unless it is because all of the parks AND Downtown Disney are closed. Even if it means I am going to go wander around by myself. I need to fill up my camera again.

The end of this journey is going to be very bittersweet. While I know I will be very sad to leave this magical world, I am also very excited to go back home. I'm so excited to have a chance to really start fresh. I honestly don't think I will be returning as the same person I was last August. I am so much more motivated now. I sit around and pretend I'm not, but I really am. I really want to hit the ground running when I get home. I have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to play for the last six months and get paid for it. But enough of that. I'm ready to go home, get a job, and go to school everyday like a normal 20 year old. I'm a little worried about being able to get a job when I get back home. I loved my job at Razzoo's before I left, but I made no money there. I can't go back to a job where I'm lucky to make $25-30 a day. I'm never going to be able to get anywhere with that. As soon as I get back I'm going to have to search everywhere to see who is hiring. I MUST FIND A JOB! Also, no offense Mom and Dad, but it's going to be strange to go back to living at home. Right now I live with only one other person, I take care of my stuff, eat cookies for dinner, and come and go as I please. It will definitely be different living with 4 other people again and needing to be conscientious of what they are doing and when they will be doing it. This may take some time to adjust to. But that's okay! I love my family very much and know we will all adjust to me being back easily. Maybe if I can find a good job, I could get an apartment! (If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I can't go home and not work.)

It's dorky, but I'm really excited for the drive home! I don't know why. I just think it will be fun to make random stops and enjoy a nice little road trip!

I didn't get approved to be friends with Tinker Bell. I was disappointed at first, but I got over it pretty quickly. I'm a very strong believer in things happening for a reason. I think if I had gotten approved, Tink would have tried to keep me here at Disney at the end of my program instead of letting me leave to go be productive. When I graduated high school, I wasn't excited to go to college. It just seemed like something that was expected. Now I feel like I have a choice in everything I do, and I am choosing to go to school. I can always come back to Disney in a couple years or after I finish school all together.

I am excited for the 71 days that I have left here. I am enjoying my time with friends (actual people) and my character friends as well. I have been so lucky while I have been here and know I am truly blessed to have been given this opportunity and experience. I could not have asked for anything to go any better. Even though I have had some challenges here, I wouldn't trade them away. Challenges make us stronger, even if we don't see it at first.

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