Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The start of something new

Hello everyone! Everything is finally starting to slow down. The parks are less crowded, I'm not getting stuck in traffic everywhere I go, and work is getting easier. All of the Fall College Program people have gone home. Only the International CP's and people who extended their program are still here. Yesterday, some of the Spring CP's arrived. It's kind of exciting that new people are getting here, especially since all of my friends left last week.

I had to say goodbye to Sarah on Thursday. That was not fun. She has become one of my closest friends and I knew I would miss her a lot. I'm very lucky that she and I ended up living together. I couldn't have picked a better person to share an apartment with. We both cried a lot when she left, but I know we will see each other again! Plus, we make sure to talk every day, so that is nice. After she left, I stayed up pretty late packing and then spent all of Friday packing also. I learned that I have a lot of stuff. Sarah my roommate and Sara Robbins both left me a ton of food, so there was all of that, I have quite a bit of movies and clothes and shoes, and I also really like Disney Merchandise. While I was packing, I found myself really hoping my new roommate and I would get along.

Saturday morning, I got up early to start moving my things into my new apartment. I briefly met my new roommate, but we were both really busy running up and down the stairs, so we didn't talk much. She had to go to work in the afternoon, so I didn't get to talk to her that day. I finished unpacking everything so I wouldn't have to worry about anything on Sunday, and also so that my things would be out of my new roommate's way. Side note: She's taller than I'm used to. Yesterday, my roommate and I finally talked a little. She seems nice. I met her boyfriend too. They left last night and she said she wouldn't be back until late today. That being said, I have had the apartment to myself all last night and today, which was nice, but boring. I was off today and I really wanted to go do something, but had nothing to do and nobody to go do something with. I thought about going to see Les Miserables alone, but figured watching a depressing movie by myself wasn't the best idea. So I settled for a Pretty Little Liars marathon leading up to the season premiere!

I have a couple more days off before my mom gets here, but for the most part, I will be working which will help the time go by faster! Only 8 more days until Mom gets here and 11 days until Michael gets here! Yay! I am so excited. Time is going by so quickly. I can't wait to have Mom here to visit. I think she even might be able to come see me at work! And then after that, Michael will be here for good! Yay! Everyone cross your fingers for me that I will start to make friends. It would be nice to not spend my days off alone!

A couple random stories before I get back to my Pretty Little Liars marathon: Sunday, I was friends with Mickey in Town Square Theater. Mickey met a blind guest while he was there. This guest was with his whole family. With him, was a seeing-eye dog. The man walked up and held out his hand for a hand shake. Mickey shook his hand and when he did, the man said, "Hi Mickey, this is Peyton. And you may pet him." I thought that was so cool. Mickey would have spent more time with him, but he had a whole family with him, and Peyton was between them, so he divided his attention among everyone. Mickey was very honored to have met that family. The attendant told me later that he heard the man in line say, "You know what? I think I'm going to let Mickey pet my dog. I think he is important enough for that." Yesterday, I got to be friends with Vanellope finally! Vanellope is the little girl from the movie Wreck-It Ralph. She is sassy and hilarious and most people don't know her name, but I don't care! We had so much fun together. One lady walked up to her and said, "Vanellope, I think you should be considered a Disney Princess." Vanellope loved that! I had so much fun yesterday and I hope I can spend more time with Vanellope!

Alright everyone! I don't really have anything else to say, so I'm going to get back to wasting away in front of the TV! Have a wonderful night!

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