Sunday, October 21, 2012

I'm still here!

Hello everyone! I have been sick for the last week, so I have not been in class or at work. As a result, I have very little to report. I was very lucky to have the Carlton family come pick me up on Sunday and drive me back to their home where they took care of me for the rest of the week. They are the family that we stopped and had lunch with when this whole adventure began just two months ago! I have been to the doctor three times now and the final diagnosis is that I have a virus with a cough. In other words, no medicine is helping me and we don't know what else to do for you, so we're calling it a virus and you have to just ride it out. Yay! It's okay though. I'm back at my apartment, resting as much as I can. I did go to the store yesterday, so I won't starve! I bought lots of healthy things to eat. Mrs. Carlton was very specific about what I needed to get at the store so I made sure to get every one of the things she suggested.

I have had to call in sick 7 days in a row and miss my classes last Tuesday. I found a girl to take my shift for tomorrow, so I'm covered now. My family gets here Tuesday and now that I don't have to worry about whether or not I will be able to work, I can just rest and wait for them to get here! I am so excited to see them. I know we are going to have tons of fun while they are here!

Since I have been sick all week, I haven't been able to go into the parks at all. If you call in sick and your ID is scanned to get into the parks, you can get in a lot of trouble. Therefore, I have no magical Disney stories to tell. I'm sorry to disappoint. I have been thinking though, maybe I would like to be a writer when I'm all grown up and have to get a big kid job! Anyone have any connections?

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