Wednesday, February 11, 2015

But Peter, How Do We Get To Neverland?

You asked for more words. Get ready for more words. Words, words, words.

Here's a random little snippet into my life. My vocabulary is very strange when I think about it. I use terms like performer, set location, backstage, onstage, casting, director... I use those words daily. And they all have one thing in common. Entertainment. People come to Disney to be entertained. Sure, they also come to escape their problems and have family time and all that jazz. But the main reason they pick Disney above other places is entertainment. You can take a trip to the beach and escape your problems and have family time. But the beach isn't set up strategically to engage all of your senses, make you experience magic, and take all of your money, all with smiling faces to reassure you that you're happy about what you're doing. People turn to Disney for entertainment. But I wonder if they ever realize how much entertainment they provide in turn? My job is to entertain, but I find myself feeling more entertained than anyone at the end of the day. 

When I get home, or even when I come off set, I always have a hard time remembering the details of what just happened. Especially when I'm with Tinker Bell. There's so much talking that happens, usually by Tink, and there are so many guests, that it's a huge challenge to recall specifics. Some things stick though! Here are a few that I can recall off the top of my head.


Wendy, talking to a young girl: "Is that your mother? Oh, I'm sure she's a wonderful mother! Does she tell you stories? My mother tells me all kinds of stories and then-"
Mother: "Oh, just ask her your question already!"
Wendy: "Oh! Did you have a question, dear?"
Little girl: "Yeah.... Does Nana slobber?"
[In case you haven't seen Peter Pan recently, Nana is Wendy's dog. She also acts as the Nurse Maid to the children.]
Wendy, laughing and surprised: "Does Nana slobber?! Well... she is a dog. So I suppose yes, she does from time to time. But don't worry, she cleans up after herself very well. Do you have a dog also?"
Little girl: "Yes."
Wendy: "Does she slobber?"
Little girl: "YES!"
Wendy: "I thought so. Does she act as your nurse maid as well? And clean up after you and your sister?"
Little girl: "Definitely not!"
Wendy: "Do you clean up after her instead?"
Little girl: "Yup!"

Father holding his terrified toddler: "Here Minnie, will you try holding her? She's a little afraid."
Me, because Minnie is not rude like I am: No...?

Three little girls came to meet Tinker Bell. The middle girl is dressed like Fawn, who is one of Tink's friends. She is the mediator. The youngest is slightly more shy. The oldest disagrees with anything Tink says.
Middle girl: "Hi Tinker Bell! Who do you think I'm dressed as by looking at this picture on my dress?"
[The picture is of Fawn.]
Tink: "Fawn, of course! She has a dress just like that. Is she your favorite?"
Middle: "Yes! I really like her."
Youngest: "I like your puffs on your shoes!"
Oldest: "They're pom-poms."
Tink: "Actually it's dandelion fluff, and thank you!"
Oldest: "Pom-poms."
Tink: "Dandelion fluff..."
Middle: "How about we agree that it's both?"
Oldest: "No, because those are pom-poms."
Tink: "No, it's dandelion fluff. Were you there when I collected it to put it on my shoes? Nope. I didn't have pom-poms, whatever those are. I had dandelion fluff. So that's what's on my shoes. I thought it was cute."
Oldest: "Well, Silvermist is MY favorite."
Tink: "Cool! I'll tell her you said hi!"
Youngest: "My favorite is Tinker Bell..."
Middle: "My favorite is Fawn, but also Tinker Bell! But I also like everyone else."
Youngest: "I like Tinker Bell..."
Tink, to the youngest: "I like you too, come stand by me!"
Oldest: "Silvermist is still my favorite."
Tink: "And there's still dandelion fluff on my shoes."
Oldest: "Pom-poms."
Tink: "Nope. How old are you? Because I'm pretty sure you're not old enough to know everything yet."
Oldest: "I'm 9 and anyway you're like 50 years old but somehow you're still only like 18 so how does that even work?"
Tink: "Well, fairies don't measure age like humans do. We just focus on changing the seasons since that's our job."
Oldest: "Yeah? Well that's weird."

Dad of little boy who looks A LOT like Peter Pan: "Tinker Bell, he really likes you. Big fan! He watches Peter Pan at least once a week!"
Tink: "Wow! You know, you kinda look like Peter Pan! Actually, you look A LOT like Peter Pan! Wait... Are you Peter Pan? Did Zarina make pixie dust that makes you look younger? You're Peter aren't you?!"
Dad: "Show her how you crow like Peter Pan."
Little boy proceeds to make a sound with his mouth that reminds me of a cricket, not a rooster crow.
Tink: "Oh. Does it always sound like that?"
Both parents: "Not at all. Silly. Your rooster crow!"
Little boy: "OH! Okay."
He makes the rooster crow just like Peter Pan.
Tink: "You are Peter Pan, aren't you!?"
I'll add that he had a great big grin on his face the entire time.

Mother with an infant: "Tinker Bell, can you hold her?"
Tink: "Oh, my Tinker Muscles aren't really built for that, but she can sit here by me."

While Tink is interacting with a few little girls and a mother who keeps shooting down anything Tink says, this happens:
Toddler puts her hands on Tink's chest: "I like your boobies, Tinker Bell."
Tink held the little girl's hands the rest of the time.

Picture the cutest little blue-eyed, blonde boy you can. Now picture him with an adorable grin on his face. Now picture him standing next to Tinker Bell while she's knelt down to him.
Little boy: "I've seen your movies!"
Tink: "You have?! You must know a lot about fairies then, huh?"
Mom: "You and Peter Pan are his favorites, Tinker Bell."
Tink: "We are? Flitterific!"
Little boy: "Yeah." [don't forget the grin]
Tink: "But not the pirates right?"
Little boy: "Yeah." [grin]
Tink: "Because Captain Hook smells like codfish."
Little boy: "Yeah." [grin]
Tink: "Are you just going to say 'yeah' to everything I say?"
Little boy: "Yeah." [grin]
Tink: "Cool! Let's see.... Am I your favorite?"
Little boy: "Yeah." [grin]
Tink: "I knew it. Hm... Am I the best ever?"
Little boy: "Yeah." [grin]
Tink: "Great! Am I the fastest flyer ever?"
Little boy: "Yeah." [grin]
And then suddenly...
Little boy: "But I don't like you in winter. Don't go to winter. Winter is not good."
Mom: "He saw the movie about you and winter."
Tink: "Got it. So you remember Periwinkle, right? Remember how she frosted my wings to keep them warm? Now I can visit winter anytime I want! I just have to get my wings frosted, and wear a jacket, of course!"
Little boy: "Yeah." [grin]
Tink: "I think he should stay here all day and just agree with everything I say. This is kinda nice. Plus, he's really cute."

Young boy: "We saw you flying on the zip line last night in the fireworks!"
Tink: "Oh, I wasn't flying on a zip line. I was flying away. Fireworks are hot."
Photopass Photographer: "What...?"
Tink: "Have you ever touched fireworks?"
Photographer: "No. Have you?"
Tink: "Once. Now I fly away. Fast."

Family, talking about their teenage son: "Tinker Bell, can you kiss him?"
Tink: "I don't really share my pixie dust..."

On Christmas night, Donald Duck watched the fireworks at Magic Kingdom from Chef Mickey's restaurant with a family of about 8 people. He'd already been by their table a couple times, so they all just watched the fireworks together.

Most frequently asked questions to Tinker Bell:
"Can you really fly?"
"Where are your other friends?"

Most frequently asked question to Wendy:
"Where's Peter?"

Most frequently asked question to Minnie:
"Can you talk?"


Hopefully this shows a little bit of what my days are like. Not every guest acts like these guests. Most don't speak English, so Tink sits there and talks to herself while they smile and look confused. Others understand her, but won't talk anyway. With Minnie, most people don't say anything. They'll just walk up, take the picture, and walk away. But moments like those just help to make others that much more special. It's true, I don't remember most families. I can't. My brain is big, but it's not that big! But I do realize that most families will remember me. That's what keeps me in positive spirits. They'll remember this vacation forever. Why not help make it positive?

Some other updates:
MY BEST FRIEND IS FINALLY HERE! Emma started her Disney College Program this week! She's spent all week getting settled and has Traditions tomorrow! I could not be more excited for her!

I'll be in NYC and Washington, D.C. in a month with my family! Then I plan to visit Disneyland at the end of April with my roommates! I visit home every few weeks, but don't have my next visit planned just yet.

I'm actually getting to spend time with Tinker Bell! It's the absolute best. Very few things make me happier than time with my favorite fairy.

Luke and Leia are the cutest and sweetest kittens ever.

The classic rock station was killing it tonight. As was the station playing the '80s music.

Both of my cartilage piercings have closed up.

And on that happy note, have a wonderful week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog through Instagram and I love it so much (been feeling the disney ache lately!)

    My favourite moment/s with Minnie was on our honeymoon at Hong Kong Disneyland, we had 'Happy Honeymoon' badges but a lot of the cast members we met didn't read it close enough and kept wishing us a happy birthday.
    Minnie was the first character to actually notice that we were on our honeymoon and she got SO excited! She kept making hearts and dancing around and getting us to hold hands. Then we all had a big group hug as we left.

    Then during the parade, she was on her float waving at the crowd and I waved back (nobody else was waving because they were all holding up cameras). she jumped up and down with excitement and grabbed Mickey to make sure he waved at us too.

    That night, we were having dinner at the hotel and hadn't actually realised til we got there that it was a character dinner. When Minnie came to our table, she immediately did like an 'oh my gosh!' face and pointed at us both. then she turned around and found Mickey and showed him our badges. he was excited too and they made lots of hearts and teased us for awhile.

    I would've thought he'd be embarrassed, but my not-much-of-a-disney-fan husband had the biggest smile on his face all day and suggested we have a Disney movie marathon when we got home. conversion successful! thanks to Minnie and her adorable enthusiasm.
